Detected. Alerted. Reacts.

Alarm in Case of Fire

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Alarm in Case of Fire

Can you fully rely on your alerting and communication in the event of a fire? Speed is the first priority when alerting emergency services in the event of a fire. This is the only way to get people out of the danger zone in time and limit damage. At the same time, false alarms should be excluded as far as possible. Optimal prevention defines processes exactly according to your needs. 

With our alarming in case of fire based on s.GUARD you fulfil all central requirements. The Swissphone alarm solution thus prevents damage and helps to avoid expensive false alarms. In addition, you receive all tools for communication and coordination support from a single source. We support you in mapping your emergency processes in s.GUARD according to your ideas. In this way, you are optimally supported throughout the entire chain of events, from the detection of the alarm to the post-processing of the incident.



The Swissphone fire alarm system includes:


  • Reduction of false alarms
  • Safety thanks to continuous monitoring
  • Short response times, escalation management
  • Integration of all common fire alarm systems
  • Geo-Fencing: Targeted Alerting
  • Optimal communication and coordination support
The Complete Solution for Alerting in Case of Fire

The Complete Solution for Alerting in Case of Fire


An optimal alarm solution not only prevents damage, but also helps to avoid expensive false alarms. Alarm and evacuation: These two tasks are of primary importance in case of fire. As a rule, a fire alarm is triggered by means of a fire alarm system (BMA) or by means of alarm buttons or smoke detectors (sensors), which are integrated in s.GUARD. The alarm management system guides those involved through these critical processes – in the shortest possible response time. To protect people, it is crucial that evacuation is quick, orderly and complete. With s.GUARD, we offer you a reliable platform throughout the entire process, from prevention to alerting and follow-up.


System monitoring

The watchdog of s.GUARD continuously monitors your systems and sensors and alerts the responsible persons in case of a malfunction or communication failure, such as faults or failures of your fire alarm system. As s.GUARD is a cloud solution, faults and failures are also detected if your internal infrastructure fails, which means an additional layer of security.

Alarm triggering

A fire alarm can be triggered automatically via the integration of technical systems (e.g. fire alarm system) or sensors (e.g. smoke detector). With s.GUARD you have the option of using various interfaces (ESPA 4.4.4, ModBusIP, I/O, etc.) and the latest IoT technologies (LoRa, enOcean, ZigBee, etc.).

A fire alarm can also be triggered manually: simply via call (mobile phone, DECT, landline), emergency app, SMS, e-mail, key combination for PC and Mac, alarm button, etc. 

Alarm Management


False alarms unsettle the workforce and cause attention to real alarms to drop. With the alarm message, the information appears directly on the terminal of the alarm receiver. In this way, it is immediately apparent to him which fire detector has been activated and he can verify directly at the scene of the event whether there is actually a fire or whether it is a false alarm. In this way, unnecessary alarms can be avoided.



Your security concept defines who is to be contacted in the event of a fire and via which channel. You can reach the responsible persons or offices, e.g. the SIBE, the persons responsible for evacuation, etc., on all devices and channels.



If they do not acknowledge the fire alarm within a predefined time, the alarm is automatically escalated to e.g. deputies, other personnel, external service providers or directly to the blue light organisations, taking into account availability.


The first step is to inform personnel on site. Their task is to check whether there is a false alarm. If not, the alarm for the emergency services is triggered via s.GUARD. Depending on the fire alarm system, detailed information (building, floor, room) can already be transmitted during the initial notification. If no response is received seven minutes after the alarm, the external emergency services are automatically alerted.


Via telephone conference and encrypted chat, those responsible can define the situation and next steps. They have immediate access to all important emergency documents without internet access. With the help of collaborative checklists, tasks are quickly assigned to the persons in charge.


Confcall – Chat

However, unforeseen events first require an assessment of the situation by various persons such as the crisis team. Using predefined alarm groups, the relevant persons are automatically mobilised based on their availability (e.g. to the crisis team room) or invited to a telephone conference to discuss the situation. Based on this, scenarios are normally formed or immediate measures are defined, prioritised and assigned to specific persons or teams for each scenario.

The chat function provides a modern messenger service for exchanging information, pictures and documents online.


Document management

The document management system is encrypted and available offline directly on the computers & smartphones. In an emergency, you have direct and completely independent access to all necessary emergency documents, such as evacuation plans, building plans or route plans to the assembly point.



In predefined scenarios, tasks are assigned to specific persons or teams on the basis of freely definable checklists (individually or collaboratively). The responsible persons can thus plan and coordinate measures efficiently and process emergencies systematically and in an orderly manner. The control by a person responsible for the collection point or group can be carried out, for example, via an integrated checklist, which leads to an automatic documentation of the verification process. In addition, those involved are always on the same level of information regarding the implementation of the measures. This helps to avoid human errors that can occur in extraordinary situations due to the excitement and hectic pace.


Live Logs – Status

All communication, from triggering the fire alarm to alerting and chatting, is saved online with the respective status (sent, received, acknowledged) and the message. In addition, changes in the checklists (“done”, “in progress”) and the document storage are also continuously logged.


Once the evacuation has been completed, the threat situation has been clarified and the staff have returned to the workplace, you can evaluate the activities. s.GUARD logs the alarm triggering and alarm reception of each participant in detail and to the second, plus the resulting communication. In addition, the documentation can be analysed in a targeted manner in order to improve processes in future threat situations.

Four Advantages of Our Fire Alarm Solutions

Based on the s.GUARD platform, you can configure your individual alarm in case of fire and benefit from many advantages. Thanks to multimessaging and escalation, the device or channel can be selected individually per person.

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    Please note that our offer is exclusively addressed to corporate customers and not to private individuals.

    FAQ - The Most Frequently Asked Questions about
    Our Fire Solutions

    How can technical systems (e.g. fire alarm system) and sensors
    (e.g. smoke detectors) be integrated into s.GUARD?

    s.GUARD supports more than 100 interface protocols (ESPA 4.4.4, BACnet, ModBus, etc.) and enables fast and cost-effective connection to existing technical systems. With s.GUARD, it is possible to install “emergency manual pushbuttons, smoke detectors, etc.” retrospectively and without complex wiring via the extensive integration of a variety of radio protocols (LoRa, WAN, Zigbee, etc.).

    Due to the continuous function check, trouble-free operation can be guaranteed at all times. Should the connection ever break or the battery level reach a critical level, this condition can also be delivered via a freely definable alarm procedure.

    How can false alarms be prevented?

    Selected staff can be alerted and informed about the location of the fire on all devices and channels, simultaneously or staggered. These staff members can check the situation on site and, in case of a false alarm, stop the alerting of the fire brigade.

    How are emergency services and your emergency organisation
    informed about the critical incident?

    With the fire alarm, s.GUARD offers you the possibility to reach internal and external emergency services on different channels (app, SMS, e-mail, voice, pager, siren, light, loudspeaker, etc.) (simultaneously, staggered or as part of a proper escalation). In addition, an app on the mobile phone and client software for PC and Mac are also available.

    Thanks to the direct connection of s.GURADan alarmNET from TUS (Telecommunications and Security), it is possible to alert the fire brigade in consultation with the police.

    How is it ensured that all employees who are in the building are

    The channels provided (app, SMS, e-mail, voice, PC desktop, pager, siren, light, loudspeaker, screens, etc.) make it possible to alert both employees recorded in the system and non-recorded guests. In the case of persons recorded by the system, an alarm confirmation can provide information about the employees actually reached.

    In addition, with s.GUARD it is possible to obtain a central overview of all employees who are in the building in the event of an incident. An evacuation alarm can be sent to precisely these people.

    The control can also be carried out by means of an integrated checklist (staff list), which is automatically sent to the person responsible for the evacuation or assembly point in the event of an evacuation. The processed checklist is logged and added to the automatic documentation of the corresponding event.

    How can visitors be alerted in an emergency?

    If there are occasional visitors in the building, there are various possibilities to integrate them into your alarm system: on the one hand acoustically via siren or loudspeaker, on the other hand visually via screen or warning light.

    Of course, the s.GUARD app can also be downloaded from the Appstore or Google Play within seconds (and made temporarily available to visitors via a guest login), but you can also provide your visitors with a smartwatch with the pre-installed app. In this case, in the event of an evacuation, your guests can also be informed of the situation via app, SMS and telephone.

    What happens if the company's internal IT fails, is alerting and communication via s.GUARD then still guaranteed?

    As a cloud solution, s.GUARD is by definition independent of your internal infrastructure and can therefore still be used in the event of a total failure. The mobile technology offers an independent communication space for alarm triggering to use the company-independent channels via 3G, 4G, pager, SMS and call.

    The document management system, encrypted directly on the computers & smartphones and available offline, provides you with direct and completely independent access to all necessary emergency numbers and emergency documents in case of an emergency.

    The (individual or collaborative) freely configurable checklists can also be used regardless of the state of your IT and help the emergency teams to coordinate measures and thus process emergencies systematically as well as in an orderly manner.

    Alarm in Case of Fire