HOMEPAGE The Solutions from Swissphone Alarm Solutions for Every Application On-Call Service
In the case of on-call duty, the employee is on standby for possible assignments in addition to normal work: This may include clearing snow, repairing faults, providing assistance in emergency situations, but also patrols or services for special events. The mobilisation of emergency forces and the associated administration of alerting plans pose challenges for some employers. These can all be solved with the s.GUARD® alerting and communication solution. With s.GUARD® , you can alert and mobilise your on-call staff reliably and quickly – by phone call, SMS, app or pager, or any combination of these channels.
The Swissphone standby alert solution ensures:
Preparation and prevention for on-call services are as varied as the type of operations. Whether winter service, control patrol or emergency assistance – s.GUARD® accompanies you throughout the entire chain of events from alerting to post-processing and analysis of the operations.
Alarm triggering: Example mobilisation winter service
An alarm can be easily triggered via call (mobile phone, DECT, landline), app, SMS, e-mail, key combination for PC / Mac or alarm button. In s.GUARD® , in addition to predefined scenarios and messages, you can enter additional ad hoc groups as well as ad hoc action instructions.
Who is to be contacted in an emergency and via which channel is defined in your security concept. You can reach your emergency organisation and persons present on all devices simultaneously or in a staggered manner: Call alerting (smartphone, DECT, fixed network), app alerting, desktop software for alerting on PC / Mac, SMS, e-mail or pager alerting.
Staff members of your emergency organisation must acknowledge the alarm within a predefined period of time. Otherwise, the alarm is automatically escalated to deputies, other staff, external service providers or directly to the blue-light organisations.
You can reach responsible persons on all devices at the same time or in a staggered manner: Call alerting (smartphone, DECT, fixed network), app alerting, desktop software for alerting on PC / Mac, SMS, e-mail or pager alerting. Staff members of your service organisation must acknowledge within a predefined period of time. Otherwise, the alarm is automatically escalated to deputies or other personnel.
The chat function provides a modern messenger service for exchanging information, pictures and documents online. Thanks to status information, you can see who has read the message and is currently available. This prevents multiple contact attempts, reduces enquiries and does not unnecessarily disturb colleagues.
However, unforeseen events first require an assessment of the situation by various persons, such as the crisis team. Using predefined alarm groups, the relevant persons are automatically mobilised based on their availability (e.g. to the crisis team room) or invited to a telephone conference to discuss the situation. Based on this, scenarios are normally formed or immediate measures are defined, prioritised and assigned to specific persons or teams for each scenario.
The chat function provides a modern messenger service for exchanging information, pictures and documents online.
The document management system, which is encrypted and available offline directly on computer & smartphone, provides you with direct and completely independent access to all necessary emergency documents, such as evacuation, building or route plans to the assembly point, in the event of an emergency.
In predefined scenarios, tasks are assigned to specific persons or teams on the basis of freely definable checklists (individual or collaborative). The responsible persons can thus plan and coordinate measures efficiently and process emergencies systematically and in an orderly manner. The control by a person responsible for a collection point or group can be carried out, for example, via an integrated checklist, which leads to an automatic documentation of the verification process. In addition, those involved are always on the same level of information regarding the implementation of the measures. This helps to avoid human errors that can occur in extraordinary situations due to excitement and hectic.
All communication – from triggering the fire alarm, alerting and chatting – is stored online with the status (sent, received, acknowledged) and the message. In addition, changes in the checklists (“done”, “in progress”) and the document storage are continuously logged.
At the end of the event, the user can evaluate all activities. S.GUARD® logs alarm triggering and alarm reception of each participant (plus resulting communication) in detail and to the second. In addition, the documentation can be analysed in a targeted manner in order to improve processes for future operations.
Based on the s.GUARD® platform, you can configure your individual alerting according to your services and benefit from many advantages. These primarily revolve around: flexibility, security and reliability.
A particularly user-friendly operating interface allows you to make changes to alarm plans intuitively.
With s.GUARD® , you can individually select the task forces to be alerted, depending on the event. This way, you always have the most diverse work groups on standby at the push of a button.
You can import duty rosters directly by connecting staff scheduling tools. The alerting and mobilisation of on-duty staff thus functions automatically.
On-call staff can conveniently acknowledge alarms and give direct feedback – for example on travel or arrival times.
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