HOMEPAGE The Solutions from Swissphone Alarm Solutions for Every Application Armed Intruder Alert
Armed intruders are a latent danger in many areas. Spree killers plan their deed over a long period of time. They choose public facilities such as courthouses or other highly frequented places for the amok run. Preparations must be made here for a possible emergency. These take into account that in schools, for example, security concepts vary. This is because organisational, structural and technical conditions are very different. All measures include: rapid alerting via various communication channels; rehearsed processes for all those involved; a powerful, fail-safe backbone as a safeguard – and as a result, holistic protection against amok runs.
In this complex environment, Swissphone offers you a comprehensive and very customer-specific solution against armed intruders. It contains the most diverse input/output options – all interfaces can be integrated. To provide your solution, we use the proven and reliable s.GUARD® platform: tailor-made for your requirements, your infrastructure and your budget.
The Swissphone solution amok alerting ensures:
An amok alarm can be triggered in a simple way: Via panic button, emergency app, call (mobile phone, DECT, landline), SMS, key combination for PC / Mac or e-mail. In s.GUARD®, you can record additional ad-hoc action instructions in addition to predefined messages – crucial for effective implementation of measures and reliable amok protection.
The watchdog of s.GUARD® continuously monitors the alarm buttons and alerts the responsible persons if there is a malfunction or failure of communication. For schools, s.GUARD® also offers the important possibility of carrying out practice drills for the case of an amok run.
The person triggering the alarm is precisely localised with comprehensive information on the emergency. In this way, it can be verified directly on site, via chat or telephone conference, whether there is actually an emergency or whether it is a false alarm.
Who is to be contacted and via which channel, in the event of an incident, is defined in your security concept. You can reach your work colleagues or the police on all devices and channels simultaneously or in a staggered manner: Call alerting (smartphone, DECT, landline), app alerting, desktop software for alerting on PC and Mac, SMS alerting, e-mail alerting or alerting on pagers. Preferred communication channels can be set per person. Thanks to the precise localisation of the person or sensor triggering the alarm and comprehensive information on the emergency, help can be provided in the shortest possible time.
If alarm recipients do not acknowledge the amok alarm within a predefined period of time, it is automatically escalated to deputies, other personnel or directly to the emergency services, taking availability into account, in order to ensure amok protection.
Especially in the event of an incident, it is essential to alert all persons present immediately and to communicate clear instructions for action. Based on continuous load tests, we can ensure that at least 25,000 notifications (according to the last live customer test) can be sent via the s.GUARD® application within five minutes.. If this load limit is not sufficient for your intended use, we can make it possible to multiply these values and adapt them to your requirements within a very short time by using dedicated hardware.
Who is to be contacted in an emergency and via which channel is defined in your security concept. You can reach your emergency organisation and persons present on all devices simultaneously or in a staggered manner: Call alerting (smartphone, DECT, fixed network), app alerting, desktop software for alerting on PC / Mac, SMS, e-mail or pager alerting.
The alarm is sent directly to the police or control centre. Or indirectly to the security service / director. A silent alarm that the perpetrator does not notice is also possible. Since people in gymnasiums or in the corridor cannot be reached in t
Unforeseen events require an assessment of the situation, for example by the crisis team. Predefined alarm groups automatically mobilise the appropriate persons based on their availability. With the chat function, a modern messenger service is available to exchange information, pictures and documents online.
The document management system is encrypted and available offline directly on computer & smartphone. It gives you completely independent access to all necessary emergency documents – such as emergency numbers, evacuation plans, building plans.
In predefined scenarios, tasks can be assigned to specific persons or teams. These can efficiently plan and coordinate measures and thus systematically deal with emergencies. This helps to avoid human errors typical of such exceptional situations.
All communication is saved online with status and message. In addition, changes in the checklists and the document repository are continuously logged.
At the end of the event, you have the possibility to evaluate activities. S.GUARD® logs alarm triggering and alarm reception of each participant to the second, as well as the communication resulting from the alarm. Actions of the intervention teams can be tracked online via drop-down responses and timestamps. Documentation of the results is then analysed. In this way, procedures can be improved in future threat scenarios.
The Swissphone solution for amok alerting has decisive advantages for you: Central is always the simple application in difficult situations for all involved.
The operation of the Swissphone system solution takes into account that the person triggering the alarm is in an exceptional situation.
The amok alerting system can be ready for use within a few hours.
Crisis team members can be automatically alerted via all channels – the police and other organisations directly. Position data and comprehensive information on the emergency enable rapid assistance.
Swissphone’s amok alert ensures that all persons at risk are informed quickly and through various channels.
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s.GUARD® offers various channels for alarm triggering in the event of an amok: Hand button, PC key combination, WEB link, app, phone call. The “channel” via which the person concerned / the drunk person triggers an alarm is defined by your emergency concept.
In the event of an amok incident, rescue services must be alerted as quickly as possible and uninvolved persons must be informed for self-protection. With s.GUARD® you can notify involved persons on existing technologies such as desktop PCs, smartphones or even via loudspeaker. This ensures immediate protection for employees even before the arrival of external rescue teams. In turn, the rescue forces receive important additional information for their operation.
Yes, thanks to the direct connection of s.GUARD® to alarmNET from TUS (Telecommunications and Security), this is possible in consultation with the police.
With the help of the s.GUARD® application, it is possible to alert employees loudly to an emergency – regardless of the “silent” or “do not disturb” settings on the Android or iOS smartphone.
Furthermore, s.GUARD® offers you the possibility to reach people on different devices and channels (app, SMS, e-mail, telephone, conference, pager) – simultaneously, staggered or as part of a proper escalation. If the employee has switched off his mobile phone completely, you can reach him, for example, with the desktop app on the computer or a call alert on his DECT phone.
Thanks to the high redundancy of devices and channels as well as the escalation options, you have a very high degree of certainty that your employees will receive help as quickly as possible.
For security reasons, the app has been designed so that it does not have to be started in order for alarm recipients, e.g. work colleagues, supervisors, to receive the alarm. However, the app must be installed on the device in question.
For each handheld switch or computer, the exact coordinates and other information about the user, such as building, floor, office number and workstation are stored.
If an alarm is triggered via a smartphone, the app accesses the location services of Android and iOS for localization. These primarily use GPS and WiFi Footprint to determine the position. If there is no or insufficient GPS signaling to GPS satellites, limited accuracy may result. Therefore, the localisation within buildings can be additionally supplemented with QR codes, “beacons” or WiFi.
Since the hand buttons are integrated into s.GUARD® via radio (LoRa, Enocean etc.), the entire alarm system (hand button and alarm device) can be set up within a few hours. Thanks to battery operation, a hand switch can be installed independently at a workstation without installation (Plug&Play).
“Who”, “How” and via which “channel” is defined by your emergency concept. s.GUARD® offers you the possibility of alerting e.g. work colleagues, superiors, an external alarm center or directly the police. We support you in mapping your alerting and mobilization processes in s.GUARD according to your ideas. You have the concept – we have the technical solution!
s.GUARD® logs in detail and to the second the alarm triggering and alarm reception of each station, as well as the communication resulting from the alarm. Actions of the employees can be tracked by logging via checklists, both in terms of content, e.g. via drop-down responses, and by means of time stamps. The documentation of the results can then be analysed in terms of “lessons learned” and any improvements can be incorporated into the workflow processes.